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15 August 2009


Photos Vincent Jeyan (NOKIA5800,SONYERICSSON K800i-Camera)

Who behind the Churer Festival?
The Churer Festival takes place over the last weekend of summer Churer city school as folk festival. The heart of the Bündner transformed capital for three days in a fixed area with great diversity.
Who are the protagonists?
The many visitors and visitors: The Churer Festival can each against 100 ' 000 guests from near and far attract. Many it made the largest event in South-Eastern Switzerland to the popular meeting place for young and old. At Bündner, Churerinnen, people from the region or passers-by enjoy equally.
The clubs
The Churer Festival stands or falls with the use of the participating clubs and organizations, committed with clothes and space operators as provider of culinary delicacies and drinks but also with great dedication of its members to the well-being of guests. The use of clubs aims to generate a financial contribution to the Vereinskasse. To the income of Churer Festival was used already places for long deferred investment or promote junior.
Over 50 associations present at the Churer Festival. But many sports associations are also cultural organisations. Of course must also fairground a Luna Park or the children's paradise not missing.
The authorities
The Churer Festival would be impossible without the support of the city authorities! Many offices work together: preview all the police, factory farms industrial firms or the fire. But the Council brings forward the Churer Festival his great mercy. The importance for the cantonal capital is not underestimated!
Our sponsors
Cooperation with two main and two co-sponsors is very erspriesslich for all. The sponsors express enters the fixed and enriching it with targeted activities. Pleasant side-effect is could reduce charges for the participating clubs thanks to the sponsorship money.
A link to the sponsors is installed on this website.
Residents and shopkeeper
A thanks to certainly all start/inhabitants the old town and the many themselves which can retain limited their business. To live in the fixed cabin or operate its business can be although attractive, but also with some inconvenience. Luckily we must count on a wide acceptance by the old town Association.
The Organizing Committee
A motivated organizing Committee (OK) works in the background to the preparation of the Festival. The interaction of different people with specialist knowledge produces innovative ideas and ensures reliable and high proper preparation and implementation. So that it can mean every year: the Churer celebration went without significant difficulties on the stage!
See the "contact"OK members whose portfolios lists, and E-Mail addresses.""
To issue suggestions to us? Not hesitate to contact us via E-Mail. We take seriously any criticism!
For the OK Churer fixed
Beni cooking
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